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Python Lambda Expression 

In today Post we are going to discuss and Implement Python Lambda Expression. So if You don't know how to make simple calculator Project using python Check this Link Python Calculator. 

Python Lambda 

Python Lambda 

In Python Programming Lambda Expression is basically a Anonymous Function which can take any number of arguments as a Parameters. But it has number of Expression is only one. So that's why it is called Python Lambda Expression .

I know You thinking about what is Anonymous Function ? 

So I am here for clearing your doubts so don't worry. Anonymous function is same as a function which are declare without mention a name. In Python we are already know that any normal function we declare in python by using def keyword . In sum of two number Program we simply use a function followed by def keyword.

Consider Following Examples to understand What is Normal function vs Anonymous Function

def add( num1 , num2 ) :  
return num1 num2

:  - it's Indent that specify Our function definition starts from here .

Here def keyword is used to define a function.Here function name is add so we declare add function with two parameters followed by def keyword, and its return addition of two numbers.

Now same Program We understand using Lambda Expression considering above Example. so First of all we Focus about Lambda Expression or Anonymous Function Syntax.

Syntax of Lambda Expression is 

we are create Lambda Expression By lambda Keyword 

Let's check out How ? 

lambda arguments : Expression 

Lets create a lambda function that's take one arguments and add take a Expression and 10 in it.

a = lambda x: x+10print(a(5))

output is : 

So let's me explain above example that's how lambda work  

a is the name of lambda function.Here in starting we simply declared a add function followed by def keyword .

lambda is the name of keyword.

x is argument that's You have passed same like in add function.

x+10 is the Expression we know that lambda has only one number of expression and many number of arguments.

Now we simply call our lambda function in print statement and pass value of the x is 5 as a parameters and it has no return type.

So it's basic example of syntax of lambda function let's consider about above add function followed by def keyword and create using lambda Function or Anonymous Function.

we already know that lambda has any number of arguments .

So Let's Begin :

add = lambda a,b:a+b

Output is  - - - - - 


So that's all for today If You Have Still any Problem Drop Your Comments Below and see you in Next Python Tutorials :) 

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