
Array vs Linked List vs Linear DS vs Non-Linear DS..

Array vs Linked List vs Linear DS 

vs Non-Linear DS vs Linear 

search vs Binary Search

 vs Selection Sort vs Bubble Sort.

Differentiate Between Data Structures Linear components and Non-Linear Components..

Justok! by Amit.....

So Linear Data structures used to Build Compiler,Operating Systems,Artificial Intelligence,Graphics and many more.Example of Linear DS is..Array,Linked List,Stack,Queue.

Non-Linear Data structures used to Build Searching Algorithms and use for Hashing Techniques.In Real Life Example is Google Map and Video Games.Example of Non-Linear DS is..Tree,Graph.

Serial No. Linear DS Non-Linear DS
1. The data structures where item are organized in sequentially or Linearly. The data structures where items are stored or organized in Hierarchical Manner.
2. In linear DS elements are attached adjacently. In non-linear DS elements are creating a relationship among the data elements.
3. Memory Utilization is In Efficient. Memory utilization is Efficient Manner.
4. Linear DS is single level because all data elements attached with each other. Non-Linear DS is Multi level because all data elements attached with each other in Hierarchical Manner.
5. Linear DS is easy to Implement. Non-Linear DS is difficult to Implement.
6. In Linear DS we can traverse all elements in one run. In Non-Linear DS we cannot traverse all elements in one run we need to repeat same method until elements are found.
7. Example of Linear DS is..Array,Linked List,Stack,Queue. Example of Non-Linear DS is..Tree,Graph.

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Array is a set of Similar data type.when we need store 50 students with same department then we use Array.Linked List is a set of finite nodes.In which each elements have 2 parts name info part and link part.
Info part store user data and Link part store the address of Successor node or next node.

Serial No. Array Linked List
1. Array is a set of similar data elements or Data type. Linked list is ordered collection of Elements of same time connected with pointers.
2. Array Supports Random Access. Linked List Supports Sequential Access.
3. Accessing of Array Elements is much Faster of time Complexity O(1). Accessing of Array Elements is much Slower than Array of time Complexity O(n).
4. In an Array elements are sorted in contiguous memory allocation. In Linked list new elements are stored anywhere in Memory.
5. Difficult to Perform deletion and Insertion Operation. Easy to Perform deletion and Insertion Operation.
6. Array is Static So we need to specify the size of array at compile time. Array is Dynamic So we don't need to specify the size of array at compile time.
7. In Array we can access elements from anywhere. In Linked list we need to traverse to reach the specific position.
8. Array Elements are Independent with each other. Linked List Elements are dependent on each with contains pointers.

Basically Sorting is used to Arrange Array Elements in Particular Format Like as .. Ascending and Descending order.In Data Structures we have two mainly use Sorting Algorithms .

1. Selection Sort 
2. Bubble Sort  

Serial No. Selection Sort Bubble Sort
1. A sorting algorithm that takes the smallest value in the list and moves it to the proper position in the Array. A simple sorting algorithm that continuously steps through the list and compares the adjacent pairs to sort the elements.
2. Selects the minimum element from the element from the unsorted sub-array and places it at the next position of the sorted array. Compares the adjacent elements and swap if require.
3. More Efficient Algorithm as compare than Bubble sort. Less Efficient Algorithm as compare than Selection sort.
4. Faster Sorting of elements in Ascending and Descending Order. Slower Sorting of elements in Ascending and Descending Order.
5. Uses Item Selection Approaches. Uses Item Exchanging Approaches.
6. Time complexity of Selection sort is O(n). Time complexity of Selection sort is O(n^2) means it's repeat sorting n^2 times which is much slower..
7. It is simple sorting Algorithms Techniques. It is also simple but needed more time.

Searching Algorithm is used to Search Elements from the Data Structures Both are Involved in this Linear Data Structures and Non-Linear Data Structures.In Data Structures we have two mainly use Searching Algorithms .

1. Linear Search  
2. Binary Search   

Serial No. Linear Search Binary Search
1. Linear Search scans one item at a time without Jumping to any item. Binary Search cuts down your search to half as soon as you find the middle of a sorted list.
2. Data not needs to be Sorted. Data needs to be Sorted.
3. In Linear search worst case complexity is O(n). Binary Search makes O(logn) comparisons..
4. Linear search takes more time to searching an Elements. Binary Search divide your search into two Parts makes searching Easy.
5. Linear Search does the sequential Access. Binary Search access data in Random form.
6. Linear Search is slower than Binary Search. Binary Search is better and quite faster than linear search.
7. We can apply Linear search on Linked List. We cannot directly apply Binary search on Linked List.
8. Linear search apply on both Array Single Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional. Binary search apply only on Single Dimensional Array.


Explanation By Amit ................. 

Technical Content Writer Owner Of JustOk!

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